Poetry Friday: Made it to “Y”

I know. It’s Saturday. But the end of the school year kicked. my. butt. And my friend and fellow Inkling Linda Mitchell is hosting this week at her lovely blog, A Word Edgewise. So here is the next to last installment of my search for hope. (My National Poetry Month project)

Hope is…

lemon yellow goldfinches
feasting on thistle seed.
A sound startles.
They rise as one,
a small diaphanous cloud,
then scatter in a shower of sunsine.

Draft, © Catherine Flynn, 2023

The italicized line is from Carlo Rovelli’s book, Reality is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity. I previously used this line here.

12 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Made it to “Y”

  1. I love the last line “shower of sunshine”. What a beautiful image! I’m sad to see this project end. I hope you have collected them all.

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  2. The end of the year kicked my butt too! That’s why I didn’t post last week–I just couldn’t even lift my head off the pillow until the last possible moment (and this from a person who usually writes for 2 hours before going to work). It’s just been a hard ending. I hope you get some rest and relaxation very soon!

    And those goldfinches!!! About 2 months ago, I put up a goldfinch feeder. It took them about 3 weeks to find it (I was about to take it down and send it back). But now, they just keep draining it and I get to see those tiny yellow things hanging out.

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  3. Wow…you’ve gotten to Y. That’s amazing…I admire your determination. I hear you on the tough year. Take care of yourself as much as possible this summer. I hope you get to Z…but you know what? There’s time. I’m enjoying your beautiful description of goldfinches, one of my favorite birds.

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  4. What an image you created… shower of sunshine! I was reminded of my stepdad who faithfully kept a finch feeder filled for the little yellow eating machines! When my son was maybe 5 and we were “home” for a visit he watched and watched the birds. In the car as we were driving back, he drew a detailed picture of the birds at the feeder to send to Grandpa. Sweet memories.

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  5. Catherine, that cloud of sweet yellow makes morning a beautiful example of sweet delight. My neighbor has bird feeders and we watch the procession to it. We even see the rabbits and crows parade over. Since we are having days of showers imagining the sunshine feels just right.

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  6. Almost there, hooray! I almost never see a “cloud”, only one, maybe two, so your image brings me joy, Catherine. Glad you found time to post!

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