SOLC 2014: Be Happy


This day got away from me. You know those days. You wake up with plans and a list. And then one thing, probably some minor mishap, happens, and your day is now a day full of falling dominoes. There are no true disasters on days like this; they are mostly just full of frustration.

So rather than bore you with the details of this frustrating day, I want to share this post I stumbled across on Facebook over the weekend:

15 Antiquated Words for Happy

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See that picture of me on the lower left corner of this page? That is me being “over the moon” when my son got engaged. (My daughter-in-law is a real gem.) My grandmothers both said “tickled” often, and Stacey used “kvelling” in today’s introduction.

So find a word that puts you “in high snuff” and work it into your writing. I’m going to go write about all those “chirky” robins who were in my yard this afternoon.

Thank you, as always, to StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth for hosting the Slice of Life Challenge. Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers to read more Slice of Life posts.

6 thoughts on “SOLC 2014: Be Happy

  1. What a gas to find and play with happy words.I had a poet looking for a “-as” rhyme just yesterday and I told him about gas and it’s happy meaning. Serendipitous. I love how you turned on the domino day and pointed your thoughts toward happy.


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